
2024-2025 School Supply Ordering Information

Click on the flyers to download the information needed to order your student school supplies online

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Randolph Students-Winner of the best NPR podcasts by 4th Graders

NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge Winners announced the winners on their webiste on Friday August 30, 2024 Take a listen....

Visible Thinking Routines Used in Our Classrooms

A thinking routine is a set of questions or a brief sequence of steps used to scaffold and support student thinking. As an IB school, we use Project Zero research-based thinking routines to deepen students’ thinking and to help make that thinking “visible.” See it in action in this video from a variety of classrooms across grade levels.

Randolph Stars Shine in Spelling Bee

Fifteen classroom Spelling Bee champions competed to be the 2024 Randolph Spelling Bee Champion. Congratulations to all participants.