

Christine ChapuisMs. Christine Chapuis, Mathematics Coach


Christine Chapuis has been the Mathematics Coach at Randolph since the fall of 2021. Prior to working at Randolph, Christine worked in the Mathematics Office at Syphax and also served as the math coach at Drew.  She also taught fifth grade in Boston at the start of her career.  She attended Boston College for undergrad (go Eagles!) and Simmons University for her Masters degree.  In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her three children, Rachel, Ben, and Nicholas.  Rachel attends UVA, Ben attends Wakefield and Nicholas is a third grader at Campbell.  Her husband also works as a Math Coach at another APS school (Oakridge).  She also loves spending time with her dog, Ginger, and her friends and neighbors.  And of course, she is a MATH person (and so are you!).


TaniMs. Natani McGinnis, Mathematics Coach


Tani McGinnis has been a math coach for seven years and is in her second year as a math coach at Randolph Elementary. Before that, she taught fourth grade for seven years in both Arlington and St. Louis. Tani has a Masters of Teaching and a Masters of Education Leadership from George Mason University. She loves teaching and coaching and feels lucky to be part of the Randolph Stars! In her free time, she enjoys cooking, hiking, being outside, and spending time with her kids and husband.



Ms. Lauren Czeckaj, Math Interventionist








At Randolph Elementary School, we believe that math makes sense.  Our students use inquiry methods to understand math and discover how it is used in our world.  They learn that the effort they put in is reflected in their success and achievement.  Teachers guide their students to accuracy, fluency, and conceptual understanding, following the Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning (SOLs) and using the resources provided by Arlington Public Schools.  Building number sense, problem-solving skills, and communication of mathematical ideas is a focus.  The math coach plans with teachers, co-teaches, and works with students to further positive attitudes, deep understanding, and fluency.

The Virginia Department of Education math resources (released SOL tests, curriculum framework) can be accessed at

To visit the APS Mathematics Office website, click here.  It has many useful links for families.

Curricular materials used in APS can be accessed through your student’s BlackBoard account.

Visit these links for online practice sites Reflex Math,.

BedtimeMath has a daily story and math activity for families.  Try it out with your child!