
Randolph’s Annual Parade of Portfolios

Today Randolph Elementary School celebrated their annual Parade of Portfolios.  Students returned to last year’s teachers to visit, reflect and move up their IB Portfolios.  We parading around the school cheering and showing off our portfolios in a whole school parade before returning to our current classrooms to reflect and set goals for the school year.

Mr. Ramirez holding umbrella and blowing a whistle.

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Randolph Students-Winner of the best NPR podcasts by 4th Graders

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Visible Thinking Routines Used in Our Classrooms

A thinking routine is a set of questions or a brief sequence of steps used to scaffold and support student thinking. As an IB school, we use Project Zero research-based thinking routines to deepen students’ thinking and to help make that thinking “visible.” See it in action in this video from a variety of classrooms across grade levels.

2024-2025 School Supply Ordering Information

Need school supplies? Inquire with our front office. It’s guaranteed to save you money, time and the hassle of finding that correct item! These kits match our school requirements for each grade.